Saturday, 29 December 2007
From Busy Girl to Lazy Sloth in 4 easy steps
I'm now known as Lazy Sloth Girl. I am the complete antithesis of The Busy Girl I was a mere 4 days ago.
Here's how I did it:
1. Ran round like crazy blue-bottomed fly until Christmas Eve
2. On Christmas Day, performed 360degree turnaround and did absolutely nothing, all day
3. On Boxing Day, started with a cold whilst doing absolutely nothing
4. On the 27th, found self still on sofa, having watched re-runs of Only Fools & Horses, The Bodyguard (twice), Hollyoaks Omnibus, the best & worst of X-Factor, and 5 episodes of River Cottage.
That's it... within 4 easy steps, I transformed myself. I don't remember what it was to rush around like a mad woman, I've forgotten how Busy I once was - all the rushing and doing seems like a distant (and very tiring) memory.
- The only problem is, although I can't be bothered to do anything, I am a bit bored, well very bored.
Roll on Busy times xx
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Thursday, 27 December 2007
Want it, need it, buy it, forget it
I'm hooked, even though I don't want, need or even have any money for anything. I still want to go and have a look at the so claimed 'amazing discounts' and crazy buyer temptations this week.
Christmas was over in the blink of an eye and now, we're celebrating mass consumerism and materialism on a grand scale. Even if you don't have the money for it, you're sure to be suffering from a feeling of 'missing out' if you don't go and join in the sales.
Harvey Nichols sale was a real temptation for me - over 60% off The Must-Have items of this season. It was only when I realised that even 60% off meant that they were still out of reach, that I decided not to bother.
Maybe's it's a better idea to abstain. Stay at home, play games with your kids, or someone elses(!) and relax... remember that Christmas is about relaxation, family and fun - not bagging the latest Chloe at half price.
Ouch, it's hard though. I may have to lock my front door and lose the key. Prisoner in my own home!
Have a good one Busy Girls, love Eva xx
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Am I an addict?
I can't get away from it, it's driving me mad.
I don't want to like it, I wish I hated it. I don't even know if I really like it.
Some (lucky) people have never encountered it, others (even luckier) don't ever want to.
I did and I'm regretting it.
What is it?
Once you step over to the dark side and get an account that's it. It's got you.
I've never had an addictive personality... I can cut a slice of chocolate cake and put the rest back into the fridge for tomorrow. I can pour a glass of wine and save the rest. I can even, and this is serious proof, I can even resist buying amazing shoes because I don't need them (sick I know, some serious willpower comes into play here).
But when it comes to Facebook, I'm a sucker. To test my resolve, I really tried to ignore it the other day. I promised myself I wouldn't go near it for three days (until Monday). Then, on Saturday morning, my phone flashed with 5 emails - all from old friends contacting me via Facebook.
"Don't do it!" my inner voice screamed "Leave it until Monday, you've not heard from them in ten years, what does three days matter, it'll wait!"... but no, I couldn't. I had to read their messages, I had to know... so I logged on, on a Saturday morning.
Give me strength.
Does anyone have a cure?
Eva xxx - the local lifestyle guide for Busy Girls
Monday, 10 December 2007
Gerboas, gifts & groans - it must be Christmas
The proof:
The News has gone peculiar. News programmes normally dedicated to hard hitting, miserable stories of death, misery, doom and gloom have been forfeited for X-Factor results, the Gerboa (haven't you heard? Breaking news on BBC, they've found a mouse with kangaroo legs and elephants' ears), how to make Christmas pudding & stories of who has the most lights on their roof.
The whole world has gone shopping - together. Homes are deserted. Drive ways are empty. And every time I try to go shopping I end up wanting to tear my hair out and scream. Yes, everyone is shopping, at once.
White wine is out of fashion. In favour of something a little warmer - I'm onto Mulled wine as if it's going out of fashion - stuff the Chablis, I want cinnamon & spices.
Everyone wants to tell us what to wear. I can't open a magazine without being told which sequined top to wear with wide legged black trousers and sparkly sandals to the Christmas Party. Yawn.
Fact two: I'm definitely panicking.
I still only have two Christmas presents.
I don't have my tree up yet.
I hate turkey.
What am I going to do?
Shut up and go shopping I guess...
Eva xxx - The lifestyle guide for Busy Girls
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Is Christmas Nativity on its way out?
Yep - there was nothing quite like getting the role of Mary in the Christmas Nativity.
I remember one year I had the fabulous job, wore the blue tunic and one of my Mum's tea-towels on my head and proudly rode down the 'aisle' on the back of James Johnson, who, God bless him, had drawn the short straw as the donkey.
So when I heard yesterday that only 6% of children claim to enjoy acting out the Christmas Nativity in schools now, and that many primary schools are dumping the traditional Christmas play in favour of more multi-cultural events, I was surprised at how sad I felt.
I'm not even religious. I don't really attend church unless I have to (weddings, funerals, christenings, etc) so I guess its a bit hypercritical. But, I just can't imagine my children in years to come never having the chance to fight for head-star, tussle for the role of Joseph, or cry over a part as a shepherd.
Those were the days...
Eva xxx - The lifestyle city guide for Busy Girls
Friday, 30 November 2007
little white technology lies
"Oh, goodness, my phone must be playing up again"
"I sent it yesterday - don't you have it yet?"
Sometimes, my phone plays up, it's true. Sometimes I post cheques and letters and they don't arrive. Sometimes I send emails and they bounce.
Believe me, I get really annoyed when this happens, because I did make the effort to send it, I did call when I said I would and I did take the time out to write the email.
But sometimes, and I can't believe I'm admitting this (but I'm sure it's good to be truthful, ouch) I pretend that my phone has gone on the blink, I turn off the computer even though I've not sent the email, and I find the letter I should have sent weeks ago, lurking in the bottom of my bag.
You see, the thing is, it's easy to lie nowadays, isn't it? Because technology, although quite incredible and utterly life-changing, can be totally unreliable too. And of course the Royal Mail strikes have ensured we can make up as many 'it's in the post' lies as we like, because even if it was, we know it wouldn't get there on time.
So, there you go, I've confessed. I'm a naughty girl, I sometimes tell tales about computers crashing, phones playing up and post not arriving.
Say it's not just me, surely?
I'm off to send the emails I meant to last night, post some letters and phone some people. I reckon I can redeem my ways!
Have a good day Busy Girls, a fabulous weekend and see you soon...
Eva xx
Friday, 23 November 2007
Buying myself Christmas presents
Went to the Vivienne Westwood Shopping evening last night at their glorious store on Kings Street in Manchester. It was a lovely evening, well it always is when you combine Christmas shopping with pink champagne cocktails...
So there I was loving the store and thinking of who I could buy presents for, I was having a little personal celebration as it had been a miracle of an evening already... I parked right outside the store - what a find!
So I'm browsing the jewellery and accessories and suddenly I catch myself - I'm shopping - for myself.
Yep, I'm trying on, prodding, posing and outrageously toying with which ring and necklace suits me more.
I'd forgotten within two seconds that I'm supposed to be Christmas present shopping and have settled on a lovely Vivienne Westwood ring and keyring - pour moi.
The next minute I hear myself saying 'well, it is nearly Christmas, so why not?'
With this level of resolve it's not surprising I've spent up for Christmas already, on myself *chuckle*
Have a good day Busy Girl and enjoy your Christmas shopping this weekend - hope it's more successful than mine!
Eva xx - lifestyle, shopping, fashion, health, food, reviews - for Busy Girls
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Is it my fault I'm so Busy?
But quite frankly, I'm a bit all or nothing.
You see, there's no consistency in my efforts. I may spend a good couple of hours sorting a room out, but that's only when it's become too unbearable to keep looking at. By the time I'm done, I'm too tired or bored to do another room!
Should I blame myself for the mess in my house? I blame my job, I blame how much I try to cram into a week and I blame the fact it's only me who ever tidies.
But this brings me back to a point which has been bothering me for a while. I'm a busy girl, but it's definitely me who has got me here. It's my fault I've taken on so much. Don't get me wrong, Himself could definitely help more, but I think the only reason he doesn't is because I do it for him. I offer or I start doing things, so why would he interrupt and take over?
I've caused my own chaos. And the funny thing is, there's no point trying to change it now, because I've done it for so long it would pile up in days if I stopped now. I'd be climbing over washing and dirty pots in defiance.
I could be a bit more consistent with my cleaning and tidying though, I do drive myself mad - how did those clothes get on the floor? Wish I had some help...
Tidy wishes, Eva xxx The ultimate Lifestyle Guide for Busy Girls
Monday, 19 November 2007
Christmas Shopping Nightmare
It's not that I can't be bothered, I have tried. But, I can't cope with shopping at the moment. In fact, I've tried three times so far, with disastrous results:
Attempt one...
On Thursday night, I thought it would be a good idea to pop into Manchester and have a little look around the Christmas Markets. Big mistake. I drove around for 40 minutes trying to find a parking space. It took me 30 minutes to get there, 40 minutes to try to find a space and 30 frustrating minutes to get home, having not even managed to get out of the car!
Attempt two...
I went to the local John Lewis on Saturday, just for a little browse, see what I could find.
Good God.
Everybody, his brother, auntie, grandmother and cousin was there. It was a Christmas Shopping Nightmare. I'm not doing that again - I couldn't park, there were cars off-roading on the pavement and I got the back of my legs clipped about ten times by browsers' trolleys.
Attempt three...
Fancied buying a yoga mat from Tesco for a friend, I'd seen some quite nice ones. So, off I popped. They've added a second floor to Tesco for non food products so I thought I'd have a little browse at the clothing section whilst there.
Before I'd even got up the escalator, I was nearly mowed down by hoards of people coming down from the new Tesco second floor. I would have had to queue with thirty others to get up the escalator. Good grief.
Three attempts at Christmas Shopping, three attempts failed. And they wonder why we're all going onlineto buy presents? I'm off to do a bit of online shopping from the comfort of my sofa with a nice cup of tea.
Stuff shopping!
Eva xx - The Busy Girls Guide to Life
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Busy Girl Eva goes to the gym, for 3 seconds
Hee hee... I can drive through and out the other side!
So, I followed a stream of cars into the gym. The car park was absolutely packed, I've never seen anything like it... every single parking space was full, I can only imagine how hideous it was to actually try and work out with that many people packed into the gym.
Funnily enough, research released yesterday stated that we are going to the gym more than ever, with more of us having membership (I think the whole country has membership to my local gym). But, and it's a big but, as a nation we're still getting fatter and more unfit.
That's because they assume going to the gym means we're actually doing something. I've seen, and been one of, the ladies who flits around doing nothing, trying to look busy pumping a 1kilo weight pointlessly.
Anyway, last night, I merrily drove past all the cars, to the second exit and scooted down the road, loving my cheeky short cut. By walking to the car in the first place, I probably did as much of a work out as half the people in the gym...
If you're off to the gym today, hope you put in a bit more effort than me! Have a good one,
Love Eva x The ultimate lifestyle guide for Busy Girls
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Home from fat camp
I've always wondered what Fat Camps are like - according to 'Anne', it was "the best week & the worst week" of her life.
'Anne' never goes to the gym, ever. She's always complaining about her excess weight and quite frankly never does what anyone tells her - she's a law unto herself. I couldn't wait for this story...
I've never fancied marching around cold, miserable hills with an ex-army general shouting at me, pushing me to run when I can barely breathe, or making me do press ups in the mud. But people pay good money for this treatment, even my friend did.
Obviously it's the self motivation we lack. For me, it's akin to going to the gym alone. I don't know about you, but unless I go to a yoga class, I wander around the gym half-heartedly doing sit ups feeling like everyone knows I'm not trying.
So, Fat Camp. Did it work?
Well, Yes. 'Anne' lost 1/2 stone in weight in a week; had the motivation to work out out on cold and wet hills; did what she was told for once (without complaining too much) and she felt a huge sense of achievement at the end.
'Anne' told me she felt rather lost when she came home, she'd had so much attention and company all week she nearly missed having the shouting General with her.
Crikey, so pigs might fly after all.
Eva xxx - The ultimate lifestyle guide for Busy Girls
Friday, 2 November 2007
Are horoscopes fact or fiction?
I'm really quite torn when it comes to horoscopes, can't decide if they're worth reading or not - it just seems that some are so ridiculous, you know, like the Mystic Meg versions "... someone beginning with K and a man in a dark coat will cross your path today..." oh, give me strength.
Spookily though, horoscopes sometimes speak right to you, don't they? I've just read our Busy Girls horoscopes and I'm so hoping that this month's is right because it sounds fab!
Sucked in, right? Or just an optimistic soul? Either way I guess it's just nice to have an idea of what life's going to be like for the next few weeks... don't even get me started on tarot, now there's another minefield!
I hope you have a lovely day either way Busy Girl, predicatable or not...
Speak soon,
Eva xxx
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Move a muscle and you're nicked...
The world has gone mad.
The engine was on, I left it running as it was cold this morning, but I had the handbrake on and was going nowhere.
Most frustratingly, the police man was the most aggressive man I've met in a long time - you'd have thought I'd just shot someone in front of him. I could sense his delight at nailing me, for doing, quite frankly, nothing. Of course he was all sweetness and light as soon as he had my signature on the charge slip.
So, apparently, the law has gone to even greater lengths to keep our minds on the driving and our hands on the wheel. I thought my Busy Girl friends should benefit from my lesson - here's the full list of what will get you the same fate...
Apparently it's now illegal to:
- Hold a mobile phone while driving, this includes cradling the phone on your shoulder, or holding it by any other means.
- Hold a mobile phone any time the car's engine is switched on, even if the car is stationary, whether to make or take calls, send text messages, use Google Maps etc, or any other function.
- Hold a mobile phone while supervising a learner driver. Cause or permit anyone else to use a handheld mobile phone while driving.
- Or doing anything that suggests you wouldn't be in total control of your car - which can mean eating, smoking or finding mints in your pocket...
Eva x
Monday, 29 October 2007
should the clocks go back?
But apparently there's big debate on whether we should turn the clocks back or simply keep the time as it, all year. I guess there's the question of safety for people walking home from school and work in the dark to consider, so maybe if I didn't have the comfort of my car, I'd have a different opinion on the dark afternoons.
Am totally delighted that it's finally cold though - I simply love this time of year, when we can wrap up warm in boots and tights and cuddly jumpers.
I bought a fabulous cape from (can you believe it) Tesco last week - it was only £15.00 and is lovely! It's not been off my back since. The button fell straight off so I've fastened it with a vintage brooch - fabulous, love it.
Not sure Himself gets it... he says I look like Bat Man. Bless him.
Have a great day Busy Girl - get your boots and tights on and wrap up warm and keep safe in the dark tonight!
Eva ( The Busy Girls Guide to Life xxx
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Imagine a world without animals
Charity, recycling and the environment are constantly forced upon us, every day, pushing us to substitute our already paid taxes with additional funds to support where the government doesn't. Most of have our heart strings tweaked and support because we know there are people and places less fortunate than ourselves.
But what about the animals? The other beings that share our planet with us?
As a real animal lover, I'm delighted the media have finally started to focus on the welfare of animals instead of overdoing stories on rubbish and recycling. Don't get me wrong, we need to recycle and stop the excessive waste, but we all know that the proposed environmental taxes are doing the government's pocket a great deal of good.
So, finally, it seems we're focussing on the animals. Today, GMTV highlighted the need for the rehabilitation of ex-racing greyhounds, how we should be saving the countryside and helping to make kids more aware of nature around them. Not to mention the possibility of complete extinction for the wild and wonderful Tigers, Orangutans and Panthers.
Imagine a world without animals....
I don't know about you, but I don't want my grandchildren or great grandchildren to suffer that fate. I'm off to find out how to help.
Have a good day Busy Girls... love Eva xx
Monday, 22 October 2007
The price of living in paradise
If you haven't heard yet, Malibu has been on fire all weekend as a result of naturally occuring fires. And there we are, always moaning about the British weather, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has discussed running off to sunnier climes. But it seems even one of the most fabulous places in the world has its problems.
Speaking of LA, how amazingly fantastical was the camera work on the new MTV programme Living on the Edge?! I watched the apparently 'real-life' docu-soap the other day and it was quite incredible.
It seems I don't have to think about moving; according to their programme I already live in LA! The camera panned around Alderley, showing a beautiful harbour with expensive yachts - Alderley Edge doesn't even have a river let alone a sea front! I'd love to get my hands on some of the MTV rose-tinted glasses...
Hope you have a good day in paradise Busy Girl
Speak soon, love Eva xx
Friday, 19 October 2007
stop putting yourself down!
I was at a ladies networking event (social not business) last night and I couldn't believe how people were describing themselves.
Us girls have got issues. The more women I meet, the more I see the general lack of self confidence.
Americans are known for being brash, bold and confident to the point of arrogance, but us British girls, we just don't seem to be able to blow our own trumpets - we're always apologising for ourselves and putting ourselves down.
We just hate to sound 'full of ourselves' so we attempt to put ourselves down before we start.
I mentioned what I felt to Lucy at The Busy Girls Guide last night and she promised to put something on the Guide about it tomorrow - as a lifestyle coach, she works with people on their confidence all the time, so I knew she'd have a solution! I'll post the link here later today...
So, Busy Girl, if this sounds like something you'd do, today I want you to join me in a little confidence practice - if you meet someone new today, try telling them what you do without making it sound dull, boring or unimportant - you are important and much more worthy than you make out!
Have a great day, and a lovely weekend and I'll catch you next week...
Eva xxx
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Always an exception to the rule...
So, I put a bit of petrol in and ran into the garage.
Scrabble, scrabble... no card. Right, erm 'just a sec!', frantic scrabble... no card, no cheque book, no pin number for my credit card. No way to pay.
Called the bank, told them that I had lost my card, the pin number for my other card hadn't arrived (thanks, Royal Mail), I had petrol in my car and no way to pay, "we can order you a new pin number, it will take 4 working days"... it was all I could do to not swear at the man when I calmly told him that waiting in the garage for 4 days was NOT an option.
"There's nothing we can do", he said. "Thanks for being utterly useless" I spluttered.
Now, when I get annoyed, I go very calm. It's an odd thing, I kind of slow down, lower my voice and silently smoulder. Where was my card? Why now? What about the meeting? What do I do?!?
"I'll pay, just send me a cheque", the man behind the counter said.
God bless that man. He paid cash out of his pocket, refused my contact details, said to send him a cheque and "drive safely, and don't rush, you want to get to your meeting in one piece".
A couple of weeks ago I blogged about Britain's rudeness - I've just had a very worthwhile lesson - there's Always an exception to the rule...
Eva xx
The Busy Girls Guide - Manchester & Cheshire
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Living on The Edge - MTV goes Cheshire set
Hoovering the kitchen (as Busy Girls do on their only days off) I was passively listening to some tunes on MTV when I heard the words 'Alderley Edge' in an advert.
I rushed through to the lounge, nearly killing myself by catching my enormous slippers (don't) on the lead and there it was, shots of little Alderley Edge, with golden camera-added glitzy glaze... apparently they're doing an OC style reality show on Alderley Edge, starting tomorrow on MTV.
Everyone has probably heard about this new programme apart from me (I'm a Busy Girl, too Busy to watch TV) but, my goodness... whatever will they think of next?
You see, we live between Wilmslow and Alderley Edge, in the MTV-nicknamed 'LA of the UK'. I'd love to know where they got that phrase from - there is money in Cheshire - the number of Range Rover Sports, DB9s, Ferraris and Lambo's are proof of that, but LA Alderley Edge ain't!
I am SO watching this programme tomorrow - sad or not - because I want to see how much 'creative camera-work' has gone into making Alderley look and feel like a UK LA...
I'm off to dance round the hoover to some more tunes... do let me know what you think of MTV's Living on the Edge
Eva xx
The Busy Girls Guide - the ultimate lifestyle guide for Busy Girls - Manchester, Cheshire & Liverpool
Friday, 12 October 2007
Busy Girl Goes Training - shock!
Went training with my new PT yesterday (Mike Bach from Body Planner - he's on You see, he's joined The Busy Girls Guide as their new Personal Trainer & fitness advisor, which means he's had to pass their service and quality tests, so that must mean he's good.
And I thought that training with him would be fun. So I booked a session with him.
Fun? I conveniently forgot that I'd have to put some effort in - I had this idealistic image of myself trotting around the park in Alderley Edge, with a big smile on my face as I took in the beautiful surroundings, chatting to Mike whilst stretching out on the bench and generally looking quite glamorous in my matching Nike sportswear.
Reality check needed, Busy Girl.
I don't have matching Nike sportswear - I have old trackie bottoms and odd tshirts and I haven't had new trainers for 11 years.
Sweating, puffing, panting, groaning and moaning, wet feet, wet trainers, wet legs.
Don't get me wrong, Alderley is beautiful at 9am on a crisp, dewey morning - but I'm not.
I'm out of shape. I need help. Looking back, it was probably a good idea to find this embarassing fact out now.
So, I invite you to follow my progress Busy Girl - I'll be blogging about my Personal Training sessions every week, giving you the highs and lows. I invite you to come training with me from your computer screen, let me do the work and you can feel my pain!
Am aching now! Have a wonderful weekend Busy Girls and catch you next week...
Eva xx - expert lifestyle guide for Busy Girls - Manchester & Cheshire
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Get a perfect foundation base - quickly!
"What? I don't think so, I've got loads of spots" I replied, in my usual 'put myself down when someone tries to complement me' style.
But I knew why she said it.
You see, my skin isn't great - it's fine from my forehead to my cheeks, but I still get spots on my chin (and I'm nearly 30 - how unfair is that!?). So I spend ages willing them away and wondering whether it's a) my concealer making them worse b) the fact I slept in my makeup again c) my face wash or d) the Pill. Still haven't found a solution, so it's probably e) bad luck.
But, I have found a temporary answer and it's simple. Camouflage.
Not slap-it-on pollyfilla-style caked-on concealer, but, light foundation applied with a professional make-up brush. Not only does this brush cover my skin in this incredible 'no spots to be seen' sheen, but it is SO quick to apply.
Note for this morning - if you have an issue with uneven application, bite the bullet and shell out £25 (ouch) for a MAC Duo Fibre Brush.
It works!
Have a great day Busy Girls, I'm off to apply my makeup - oh, don't forget to clean the brush every week with makeup wipes.
Love Eva xx
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Facebook, Google & the Nation's nosiness...
Every time someone new comes onto my friends page on Facebook, I just can't help myself but have a quick nose over their pics - to see what they look like now, what their partners are like and if I've not seen them for a while, whether they are married or not.
What on earth is wrong with me? I couldn't for a minute believe that it's just me that does this. So, I did a bit of a test - I delved into how Himself uses Facebook and then did a quick skirt of the male friends I have on there, to see what action was happening.
Well, funny discoveries, indeed. The boys all seem to have far more pictures of themselves - in fact one of them has a mighty 100 images of his own face, on his own profile. And as for Himself, well he came back with tales of who was living where, doing what and looked out of shape or otherwise.
So, it's not just me it seems - the boys are equally addicted to showing off, comparing and contrasting.
My main concern is that when I see someone doing well, looking happily married or engaged, or travelling the world, that I automatically, instantly and instinctively feel happy for them. I can't bear the thought of being in 'virtual' competition with someone I hadn't even thought about in years.
Just a thought...
Have a great day Busy Girls and I'll see you tomorrow
Eva xx
The Busy Girls Guide -
What's on around Manchester & Cheshire
Monday, 8 October 2007
Techno phobe - do girls get gadgets?
So, while I stocked up on echniacea and cough medicine this weekend, Himself was out purchasing another new piece of technology - a 50" Plasma TV.
I am now sat in front of Lorraine Kelly's 2ft wide head, in our relatively small lounge. I practically have to turn my head left and right to read anything that comes on screen and when he plays Play Station, it's like we're actually in the battle scene, being shot at!
The surround sound is so realistic, I thought I had a cricket on my shoulder last night when watching The Blue Planet.
Don't get me wrong; it's a beauty, it's shiny, stylish and very sexy (for a TV) but I'm not THAT exctied about it, not as excited as Himself anyway. I also have my gadgets; my lovely camera, my Blackberry and my laptop, but they're all still pretty functional - they do the job.
Himself, however, is in love with the Play Station, workships the 50" Plasma and lovingly puts his laptop to bed in a special cover every night.
Maybe if I could play computer games, or show DVDs with surround sound, I'd get worshipped too...
Now, that's a thought....
Eva xx
The Busy Girls Guide to Manchester & Cheshire
What's on in Manchester & Cheshire? See The Busy Girls Calender
Friday, 5 October 2007
fashion weekend manchester - our diary, review & backstage gossip

Dear Busy Girls
You've got me today, Lucy, as poor Eva is feeling a little under-the-weather - there's something going round, isn't there? She'll be back by next week, bless her...
As it's the 'talk of the town' I thought I'd report back on Fashion Weekend Manchester, which kicked off last night with their VIP launch and fashion shows.

Arrived at Urbis, the home of Fashion Weekend Manchester with Nikki, I felt slightly over dressed as going to The MEN Property Awards afterwards but I didn't need to worry - talk about make an effort! Everyone was dressed to impress - like really dressed up -I've never seen Manchester so turned out!
After a welcome glass of pink champagne, we were escorted into the main shopping area - rows and rows of clothes at half price to 70% off! We were in our element for about 20 minutes, picking up some fab buys at really great prices.
The best bits we found were - Blush B-Lush Bags, Funky Ben De Lisi pieces starting from £40.00, D&G signature coats at £120.00, a bit of Vivienne Westwood (including some fab biker boots), loads of Van Der Lande, Gharani Strok (yes, we nearly died), fun Manchester brand Me & Yu and loads more.
Spotted Sara Cox picking up a few bargains - mostly a-line t-shirt dresses - lovely lady that she is...

Dashed upstairs in the funky Urbis lift, with Sarah Dunne from Hollyoaks and the cute little thing who plays 'Nancy', and a couple of the Emmerdale girls to find our place at the catwalk show.
There was a split rumour about who styled the show - some said it was the lovely Karen Jones Russell, some Rose (ex. Vivienne Westwood). Either way, it was a lovely show, with Boss Models strutting their stuff... it was actually VERY wearable, and not at all 'couture crazy' which surprised us.
There also seems to be a lean towards quite androgenous models - no 'girly gorgeousness' to be seen...
So, all in all - the show was packed full of wearable AW07/08 gorgeousness, floors 2 and 3 are packed full of clothes, bags, shoes and accessories that, quite frankly, you need your credit card ready for (there's no way you'll be able to resist buying something!)... it's worth a look definitely.
We went on the first night, and within half an hour, it was packed - we were saying that Saturday will be manic, so get your flat boots on, and prepare for a bit of mayhem - rails may be flying by lunchtime, so try to get there ontime...
email us for the timetable for the rest of the weekend... have fun Busy Girls and let us know if you have any questions - we're always here to help!
Love Lucy x - The expert lifestyle guide for Busy Girls - Manchester & Cheshire
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Stressed huh? Well, perhaps a little bit...
This is so evident in the media where everyone seems to think you've only made it if you have the latest Chloe Bag or read the right magazines and been to the right parties.
I guess it's all about money, really.
As a bona-fide Busy Girl, my life often seems too full to be consumed by consumerism - I just don't have time to flick through magazines to find out which tote I should have my eye on, or which shoes I should be coveting. But, I do believe that it's that level of 'need' for 'things' that has us working like crazy, desperate to make another buck.
So, stress. We all have it to some degree, in our 'want it all, need it all' generation - we want the promotion, we want the family, the happy relationship, the nice meals-out, the lovely clothes, the 'happy life'... we want it all - so we strive to get it all.
No wonder we're stressed...
I'm off to make the most of my day, to forget which bag Grazia Magazine tells me I should have and to enjoy meeting some new faces, hear new stories and absorb real life - the people themselves.
Have a good one Busy Girl and if you do feel stressed, I'm a good listener!
Eva xx
PS: There's an article on The Busy Girls Guide about how to relieve stress - do have a peek
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
how rude? Is Britain becoming worse?
I've had enough of people beeping me because I'm a second too slow taking off at the lights.
I've had enough of the girl at the local shop who can't even be bothered to look at me when she serves me, let alone smile or say thank you.
I've had enough of the waiters who throw evils at me because I've not added a tip to the credit card slip - especially when I was intending on giving them some change instead.
I've had enough of pressing 75 different buttons to get through to the right person at the phone company, only to be cut off after 10 minutes of continual dialling tone - and they say they're in communications?!
I've had enough of watching chavs on tv getting away with murder, literally, meanwhile we're all worshipping chav-celebrities, who 'forget' to wear knickers to get in the press.
I've had enough of moaning about it all... do you think it will get worse or will it ever stop?
Rant over. Got it off my chest. I'm too busy for all this.
Love Eva xx
Monday, 1 October 2007
breakfast battle...
I know it's the most important meal of the day. I know my metabolism will slow down if I don't eat breakfast and I know my body will move into starvation mode and stop breaking down the fat.
But when you're busy you really can forget to have breakfast, can't you?
But, it's another week, and being a fan of 'resolutions' I decided to put another 'plan' into action (if you've read this blog before, you'll know self-improvement is my religion). So this morning I decided to make an effort to eat something pretty much as soon as I got up. I actually went out last night and bought some Dorset Cereals porridge (talk about commitment to a plan) - the sad thing is, I looked forward to tasting it this morning!
It was actually very nice (I got the nutty version) and I know I'll be full up 'til lunch - the only thing is I was muttering disapproval through the whole process - it's hardly a quick option, it takes a lot of milk and a look of cooking.
My goody-two-shoes side of my brain tells me to shut up, and that in reality, it's only 10 minutes, so I should make an effort to queeze the time out of my schedule to fit it in.
So, a new week a new resolution, let's see if I can keep it up - hope you've had your Shreddies or your Weetabix this morning! Have a great day Busy Girl...
Love Eva x The Lifestyle Guide to Manchester & Cheshire for Busy Girls
Friday, 28 September 2007
then the guilt follows...
Set me off thinking though - there is a right time to say no, and a right time to say no and not be guilty that your friend / colleague is going to have to find another willing fool, sorry, participant.
So, I've decided to take another tactic - to say yes, but to
- find out what I'm saying 'yes' to, in full, before doing it
- explain how busy I am and that I can't do it straight away
- ask when the 'favour' needs doing by, and if I can't make it, say no
Oh yes, a plan - I like plans... let's see if I can stick to this one today. I'm suffering from a lovely cold, so it's going to be like wading through mud to just make the simplest of decisions today but we'll see.
Have a great day lovelies and speak soon
Eva x
Thursday, 27 September 2007
saying no...
I always seem to say yes to a seemingly simple task and then find out what I've really let myself in for when it's too late to back out. The favour usually becomes something I don't really have the time to do - like ferrying boxes backwards and forwards or waiting for hours for a delivery. I end up frantically rushing to get all my stuff done too - or it gets forgotten in the haste.
I'm going to make it my quest today to say 'no' to something that I'm asked for.
Can you imagine - the next time my boss asks me something I'll be like 'No!' - ok, maybe I'd better figure out my boundaries.
Why don't you try it too? Together we will become liberated Busy Girl (or sacked)...
Eva xx
The Busy Girls Guide Manchester & Cheshire
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
I can't get back into it...
It's so dark in the mornings! I have been practising my 'how to get up happy' tricks, and although it's getting somewhat easier, I still want to curl up into my duvet and hide.
I think it's because I can't get back into it - I've been away for a week and that's it - I'm totally out of touch with my motivation and 'keeness'. Maybe it's because things have gone a bit quiet. I chatted with a friend about this yesterday and she was feeling the same, just really bored and demotivated. So, what do I do? Well, my friends at the Busy Girls Guide have put together an article all about it, so that's a start - here's a snippet...
"Get out! - What did you love most about your holidays? The fresh air? The walks or the swimming? Take in some scenery & get walking now you're back... try to get out for lunch, even if it's to get a change of environment for 1/2 an hour" the rest of the article
Right - onwards and upwards - I've got too much to do today to be faffing about - need to get brain and act into gear! I'll see you later Busy Girls - have a lovely day!
Eva x
The Busy Girls Guide to Manchester & Cheshire
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
The things you do for love...
That's what happened when I first tried rock climbing, hill walking and more recently spinning. Not that himself likes spinning, but he goes downhill mountain biking, so if I'm going to try that, I should at least get myself comfortable in the saddle.
Many of the things I've done for him have been done with an initial disinterest, but turned out to be good fun and, in some cases, something I'm actually quite good at.
Apart from spinning.
Last night pootled off to the gym with friend in tow, decided to get into gear before being dragged onto a mountain to hurtle down it on two wheels. Everything was going ok til I got my trouser leg caught in the peddle and nearly garroted my left leg off. Had to spend rest of the class with trousers pulled up above thighs, much to the amusement of skinny 'hilarious' man on the bike next to me.
Note to self - don't wear long trousers on a bike, no matter how white and blotchy legs are.
I'm off to sit on a cushion - my bottom hurts.
Eva xx
Monday, 24 September 2007
How to wake up happy
But waking up happy is possible - I know from searching the depths of my distant memory, that I've done it before, at least once.
Waking up happy is all about preparation - you need to have a few key things ready for the next day... I had a chat with the Experts and came back with this list:
1. Get an alarm clock with a nice (not annoying) tone - even a SAD Alarm Clock is more gentle than your mobile phone's shrill alarm.
2. Have something to look forward to! If it's Monday and you're going to work, you're off to a bad start, so why not plan something fun for the evening; have a friend over for a girly night or go to the flicks, even get something nice in for breakfast... it will cheer you up when you remember.
3. Leave your dressing gown by the bed. One of the big reasons you won't want to get out is because it's too cold out there. If your dressing gown is within reach at least your first few steps won't be so unpleasant.
Hope this helps Busy Girl? I'm going to try it tonight, see how I get on. Oh, and the 3 things a day thing is really working for me - I've stopped trying to do 'everything' at once and seem (cautious pause) to be getting more effective.
Wonders never cease! Have fun Busy Girl, love Eva xx
Busy Girls Guide, Manchester & Cheshire
Saturday, 22 September 2007
PlayStation widow...
I knew it would come back to bite me - today he went out to get a new magazine and came home proudly brandishing a PlayStation 3.
Yes, I know the graphics are cool, I'm aware the joystick (or whatever it is) is wireless and, yes darling, it HAS got better music than old computer games... but honestly, after 1/2hr the erractic screaming of racing cars buzzing around the mud-pit track is beginning to seriously grate.
Am nursing a hangover from too much champagne last night (nice, but painful now) and have had to take Paracetamol and Ibuprofen again for pounding head.
Am bored.
Am now officially a PlayStation Widow.
Hope your weekend is more peaceful than mine!
Love Eva xx
The Busy Girls Guide
Friday, 21 September 2007
The cheque's in the post...
How annoying are cheques and paperwork? I'm so used to firing off an email or checking my bank balance online that I feel to send a cheque is just big hassle and bottom of the list of things to do.
You not only have to find your cheque book, write it, find the person's address, write a note to accompany it, find an envelope, buy some stamps, but then also remember to post the thing and not leave it hanging around in your bag for days getting dirty and crumpled.
There must be an easier way - maybe soon they'll get rid of cheques completely and then I can save a good hour or so faffing about trying to pay people their dues.
Rant over - have a great day! Eva xx
The Busy Girls Guide
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Are you effective or efficient?
Are you effective every day or efficient?
Take the example of a washing machine - if it's efficient, it will use less water, less detergent, finish washing in less time and generally be more economical to run. But we need the machine to be effective too; it has to wash the clothes well, otherwise, we'll have to put them back in for another cycle, which then reduces the efficiency too.
Apply the same thought process to work - are you the sort of person who checks their email 30 times a day, clicking the 'send/receive' button? Do you have an elaborate 'folder system' for your emails, to get them out of the way and into different piles to sort through later? If so, do you think this is efficient or effective?
Being effective will get you to where you need to be. It will get you home earlier in the long run, it'll make you feel satisfied at the end of the day, it'll get you results and it will make people notice you.
Have a think about it today, Busy Girl, maybe simply checking your mails 4 times a day and responding to the most important ones, delegating the appropriate and binning the ridiculous would make more sense?
Have a great one, lots of love, Eva x
Busy Girls Guide, Manchester & Cheshire
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
What's on your life cards?
Was I destined to prang the car on Tuesday or was it a cause & reaction situation? Have you ever watched the film sliding doors - where the main character's whole life goes in a different direction just because she missed her train to work one morning... makes you wonder how life would have been different, if you'd taken another path. Imagine if you'd not chosen your University, and gone to another one. Or, if you didn't go, imagine what life would have been like if you did. You'd probably have a different partner, live somewhere else in the country, have different friends, job, pets, ambitions?
We spend our days running to and fro, getting things done to secure our future - but maybe it's all secured for us already - in which case, what's it all for?
Crickey... it's 9am - that's deep enough for one day, Busy Girl - have fun whatever you are striving to do -let's hope it makes a difference to your day!
Eva xx
The Busy Girls Guide
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Nothing like a crash to come to your senses
So, how did you get on Busy Girl? Manage to prioritise just 3 things to do yesterday? Hard isn't it? I really struggled to get back into it yesterday - with being away on hols last week. I managed to get 2 of the 3 things done on my list but then on my way to lunch someone decided drive into the road without looking and ploughed into my car, ripping the back end off. I spent the rest of the day trying to change the tyre, sort out the insurance and get it booked into the nearest garage whilst shaking with that instinctive panic that envelops you when you have a crash.
Makes you think doesn't it. One minute you're there worrying about your to do list, the next life slaps you firmly in the face and makes you realise that actually there are more important things than being efficient - like being alive.
Don't mean to dramatise, but it really hit home (excuse the pun) yesterday - I realised if he'd hit me a milli-second sooner, I may have ended up mashed into the car, because he would have hit me at 30mph directly on the driver's door.
Today I'm going to get the car to the garage and then make sure I actually enjoy my day whilst getting things done without worrying - because let's face it, today could have been a different story.
See you later Busy Girls
love Eva xx
Monday, 17 September 2007
Monday Blues
I've been reading a lot recently about how we are the hardest working country in Europe. We've always got something to do - we're never short of a to-do list or 7! I Flicking through a book last week, I came across a new time management technique. It said that in order to maximise our day, we should try to do only 3 things that really matter. So, you this morning I'm going to battle the Monday blues and give it a go.
Apparently, I have to sit for 5 minutes and find 3 things that really need to be done today - only 3. It makes you prioritise and realise that actually, you're not that burdened after all... right 3 things... I'll let you know how I get on - why don't you give it a go too?
See you soon
Eva x
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Lemar really rocks
It was just Lemar, his guitarist and about 100 people dancing in front of him... totally fabulous. I've taken some pics but left my camera in my friends car so don't have them yet. Argh! Give me the camera back quick!
We heard him do his warm up and he had a few off notes, but when it came to the actual performance, not a duff note in sight.
Lemar, if you remember back far enough, was in that odd reality programme Fame Academy - since then I've really loved Lemar's soulful tracks.
So enough gushing from me - photos to follow shortly (as soon as I get my camera back!).
Have a lovely Sunday
Eva x
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Have all the spammers gone on their hols?
I've just realised what it is, the spammers must be on their hols, because I've not had anything about increasing the size of my you-know-what for a few weeks now.
Oh right, funny. I just got one then - typical isn't it?
Do you know how much time is wasted checking spam filters, deleting the ones that got through & generally wasting time on the ones which you read because they make you laugh!? To be fair, they must have a wicked sense of humour...
On go on, come back off your hols 'bigger-bits' people, you make me laugh... what a bunch of expletives.
Rant over... have a good one Busy Girls
Love Eva x
Friday, 24 August 2007
Why keep changing the layout Tescos?
Uh. What have they done to Tescos? I'm a Busy Girl, as you, and I need my supermarket to be sympathetic to my needs - that means not changing everything around continually for 8 weeks, so I don't know whether I'm in the fruit and veg section or supposed to be buying Tuna. Goodness me. I've just had the most stressful shopping trip ever, all over loo roll and mayonnaise. I don't know about you Busy Girls, but I need things to be in a 'grab 'em quick' spot, so I can almost unconsciously run down the aisle, and pop the usual into the trolley on autopilot.
It seems they have decided to 'upgrade', which means changing every single aisle round, cutting off bits and adding new bits, slicing walls in half and adding an extra floor - I think this signifies the start of real shopping hell. They're going to add a whole second floor to what is already the busiest store in the world. Great stuff.
I'm definitely wishing that I had some smaller, independents a little closer to home, so I could get things easier, but I guess that's the whole point of these big supermarkets - they're easy, aren't they!? I mean, I've definitely been known to pop out for some sweet chilli sauce and come home with a new top, some tights and a new mascara. It makes life too easy, being able to pop down to a buy-it-all haven.
So, it's been a while since I've blogged, well it has been the hols - I've definitely had a few too many lazy days recently. It's just that when everyone else is away, you really struggle to keep up the pace, don't you. Not to say it hasn't been a busy August, just a tad quieter.
My Busy Friends, it is time for me to go now, and have some dinner (if I have anything worth eating from my ridiculous haul earlier). I'm off for some stir fry. Oh, yes, I got some new GHDs, you'll be pleased to know. You don't realise quite how much you need them until they break down on you. Rather like men and cars...
Until next time - lots of love
Eva xx
My GHDs died! The trials of being a frazzled Busy Girl!
My GHDs have just died. You know what a nightmare this is for me now - after 4 years of loyal service, they've just totally died on me... in the most uncivilised way, too. Suddenly I could feel scraping down my hair - I looked at them, and they they were, snatching handfuls of hair out, amongst big gaping cracks between the ceramic plate and the plastic.
Had proper panic - I can't go downstairs with half frizzy, half straight hair - I'm supposed to be going out! Luckily, they have bound together a little with the heat, so I managed to finish the mop off, but I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get some new ones yet. I had to tell you, it's not like himself would understand...
Anyway, off out now with my half chewed, slightly frizzy mop... now all I need is some rain and I'm sorted.
Have a good one Busy Girls - until later
A weekend of sun! Oh joy - I actually thought I was going mad last week - as I was getting used to having wet feet, wet hair & generally looking like a total mess, even after an hour of dressing effort. But, like a juxtaposed joke, just as I got used to it, the sun came back! I don't know about you but at first I wasn't very impressed - I mean, I have all my black tights & boots out now. Just as I've been planning a weekend away in the sun, out he comes, in all his glory.
It's been a great weekend though - busy in the garden generally, taking in the rays and sorting out everything that has overgrown and gone totally mad in the last few weeks of rainy solitude.
Have you been shopping lately? It seems the stores have been going totally mad with their sales - apparently Harvey Nicks were selling off the most amazing Jimmy Choos for less than £100 because the season has been so changeable and the summer stock needed shifting... how fabulous is that? Can't believe I didn't get in there early enough - note to self, get to the shops on time next season sale!
According to our stylist, Martine, the shops are stocking short season items nowadays so you have to snap up things you like because they're not hanging around - I thought her article was really interesting... whatever next?
So, happily I didn't have to munch on a roast dinner tonight, because the sun's been out again and I've been back on the salad. The only thing is though, my skin seems to be taking a battering - I'm not sure if it's the weather or what -I seem to be going through a combination of dry, then oily skin, spots and then no spots but dry skin again. I keep changing my moisturiser, but not sure that's the answer really.
To make matters worse, when I got my legs out in the garden in the vague attempt at some suntanning I had remnants of fake tan all over my ankles and knees - oh, how attractive. The things we do to try to look attractive, it's funny really.
Oh dear, I can see you all now - imagining this confused looking Girl with her trousers round her knees, orange streaky legs and funny spotty face (you're probably not far off!).
Am off to eat potato wedges, Busy Girls, it's gone cool this evening again, you see!
Catch you soon Busy Girls, love from
Eva xx
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Ripping up your hard work...
How are you all? I'm good, although the weekend seems to have gone so quickly! I'm doing my normal Sunday night ritual - waiting for Waking The Dead to start, watching rubbish on the TV, until it comes on. I'm sooo full - Ilook forward to Sunday lunch so much and I'm so hungrey and then when I finally come round to eating it, I feel totally and utterly stuffed afterwards!
It's like the day after a night out when you say 'I'm never drinking again!' and then of course you end up reaching for the wine two days later. Well, that 's how I feel now - like I'm never going to be able to eat again. But, my God, Sunday lunches are good - if you're a vegetarain and don't like meat, it still applies, because in my book, roast dinners are all about the potatoes. Oh dear, I'm making myself feel even worse talking about it!
It's still a bit odd though, isn't it? Eating a roast dinner on the 21st July. But, that's what I felt like - I came in with my hair blowing all over my face, covered in mud from Tatton Park Flower Show and I felt like a good old roast. The weather is really messing with my head.
Tell you what though - Tatton Flower show was good. I really enjoyed the displays - it's really quite amazing what people can come up with in 3 weeks - that's how long they have to plant their feature gardens on site. I just couldn't believe that all the beautiful gardens they had planted would be ripped out tomorrow when the show finishes. Just imagine that - you've grown these beautiful shrubs and have this perfect result from your laborious hard work and then 5 days later, you pull it all down.
The place does look fantastic though - even through the mud and the splodges of rain, it looked beautiful. My favourite displays were those which looked like meadows of wild flowers - long rushes and leggy poppies, beautiful mauve and blue cornflowers - they were totally stunning.
Anyhow Busy Girls, I'd better get back to my old TV programme - I've missed the start! Will catch you later
Lots of love
Eva xx
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Is it impossible to be Busy in the rain?
This article from our site is quite cool, so I thought I'd share it with you... I'm so totally the same as this, it's funny!
excerpt from
As a very Busy Girl, I have firm evidence that my mood has been affected by this crazy weather - but more importantly for me, it really impacts on how effective I am. I've been thinking about it for a few weeks now (since it's been that long raining!) so I thought I'd do a little research into just how the weather effects a Busy Girls Lifestyle... here's my day in the life of a Busy Girl in the rain...
I can't get up!
It all starts with the morning alarm... it's like winter at the moment, cold & chilly, so when the alarm goes off I have to give it at least an extra half an hour before I can crawl out of bed!
Total Time Lost - 30minutes of snoozing
Brrr... bath please!
It must be the first ever summer that I've been tempted into having a bath! When it's chilly & miserable there's nothing more comforting - but it takes way longer than the shower.
Total Time Lost - 15minutes of soaking
What to wear!?
Next I'm totally scuppered for something to wear - I want to wear a polo-neck & tights, but I've put my winter stuff in the attic. So, it's on with the white pants, then off again, on with a t-shirt, then I'm cold, so I'm back to a long sleeved top. All the faffing around & I've changed 4 times before I'm done & I'm still cold.
Total Time Lost - 25 minutes of faffing
Is that hair, or frizz?
So, I'm done up & ready to go, I step out of the front door (quite a bit later than hoped) & puff! There goes the hair - from sleek to shit-zu in 5 minutes flat. I'm like a puff ball of cotton wool - I think of how long it took me to straighten it... what a waste.
Total Time Lost - 15 minutes of straightening
Pie or Salad?
Lunch time gets even more time consuming as I face the dinner queue - I should have a salad - it's healthy & it's July afterall. But no, I want a pie & chips, no, I want baked potatoes, I just want stodge! I want to feel comforted by hot nosh. Miserably I reach for the salad, feeling very unfulfilled.
Total Time Lost - 10 minutes of culinary contemplation
I'll just wait for the shower to pass...I'm sat in the car, wearing sandals & a white skirt, meanwhile the heavens have opened & everyone I can see through the blurry windscreen is getting totally & utterly soaked. I'm not going anywhere without an umbrella (I defiantly have my sunglasses on my head but I've left my umbrella at home again!) I'm sitting here til it passes - work can wait.
Total Time Lost - 15 minutes of waiting
Fed up & want to watch rubbish
Normally on a lovely summer's evening, I joyfully breeze into the kitchen, create a culinary masterpiece & float into the garden to enjoy a glass of Sancerre on my oak lounger (ok, I get home, make tea & half-lie in the back yard on a wonky deckchair). But no, not today. Today, in this weather, I'm like Julie Andrews without the spoonful of sugar or the fixed grin. I'm a miserable, wet-toe'd version of my normal 'lighter than life' self.
I stomp into the kitchen, wet through from the 10yard stumble from the car to the front door. I'm trying to carry all 9 bags from Tesco (as I don't want to make two trips). I fall over the dog, who is also wet through, and land in the kitchen - which by the way has a pleasant musty smell from not having the windows open enough.
I rummage through the bags to find crisps or something equally fattening & mood-enhancing & wander into the lounge to flick on the TV. Before I know it, I've been slouching in front of some mind-numbing programme - for 2 hours, feeling cosy & warm at last.
Total Time Lost - 2 hours of slouching
Now, melodramatic I may be (I'm a Busy Girl & melodrama is compulsory when life is this hectic) but I reckon on an average day I lose about 3 hours, 50 minutes of efficiency a day... & I actually like being efficient & busy.
So, how's that for the weather affecting the Nation?
Let me know what you think, Busy Girls!
Eva x
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
What is going on?!?! I'm not being funny, but if someone's got the direct dial for God, or whoever is controlling the weather at the moment - please can I have it? I'm sat here, sniffing like a 5 year old (I know, I need to take my tablets, but I keep forgetting) and I'm wearing a scarf, black boots and a cardi and I'm cold!
I'm having a moan and I'm not bothered. I know that's a bit miserable of me Busy Girls, but for goodness sake. Where's the weather? It's the second of July!!!
It's been a lovely weekend hasn't it? In the puddles, the storms, the grey clouds and the misery, totally and utterly blooming glorious.
Right, enough of my moaning - how are you guys? I hope you're managing to keep a smiley face? I've been going to loads of events this past week, but all, predictably, have been indoors, when they were supposed to be outdoors. They were really good though. The only issue I had was (as it usually is to be honest) what to wear?!? I've literally been thinking 'long dress, black? too wintery. Short dress? White legs. Cocktail dress? Body too pale. Backless dress? Too cold'. It's a nice worry to have I guess, I could be sat at home wondering whether to eat cauliflower cheese or a frozen lasagne, but you know what it's like. You just want to look lovely, and not like a white, snivvling 12 year old in her mum's too-bold wintery ballgown. Or of course, the dreadful faux-pas... mutton.
I tend to go a bit that way when I try to do my eye makeup... I start off ok and then I think "oh, just a bit more black around the eyes" the next minute, I look like a cross between one of Ricky Hatton's conquests and Lilo Lil from Bread (now I sound old, if you don't know who I mean, think Liz McDonald from Corrie). Then I try to scrape some off and end up with smears across my face and pale bits where I've smudged by blusher off. So, I've decided less is definitely more... I'm trying to take it easy on the makeup before the event and keep it safe.
Anyway, Busy Girls, I'd better go and do some sniffing and busying, it's going to be another busy one today... do let me know how you're all getting on - if you don't want your comments publishing you can opt out and simply send me a hello!
Speak soon my lovelies,
Friday, 22 June 2007
Toe jobs, knee lifts & chest implants... what's Hollywood on?
I'm sorry to start another blog like this but... oh, my God.
I've not really been watching TV for a few weeks because I've been so busy, but tonight I thought I'd sit down, relax and watch some mind-numbing TV.
I have Never seen anything quite like what's on the TV right now. 'Hollywood Lives: Vanity & Vulgarity' is the most unbelievable programme I've ever seen.
Did you see it? The programme was all about Hollywood and the incredible increase in plastic surgery operations taking place in Hollywood. Look, don't get me wrong, I can kind of understand someone wanting to make their chest a little bigger, or maybe make their nose a little less hooked, but this programme was truly incredible. I've just watched someone having their toes shortened, for goodness sake. Not only that, but a guy who was pretty good looking until he spent £260,000.00 on makign himself look utterly peculiar - with chest, bicep, cheek, chin, buttock and goodness-knows-what-else implants!!
So, whilst we're here contemplating our next new top, or whether to invest in a new pair of wedge heels this summer, you can be sure that there's a shocking number of people across the pond who are chipping away at their faces wondering whether to get a tummy tuck or a knee lift next week.
I'm telling you now, my mouth feels like the inside of a fur boot, because I've been sat here with my mouth wide open, gawping at the TV for the last half an hour. Having said that, it was incredibly entertaining, in a bit of a sick car-crash interest kind of way.
What is it about the coined 'car-crash TV' that makes us want to watch things like that? I'm so busy most of the week that I don't get a chance to sit and watch TV, really, so I guess when I do I just want something a bit mind-numbing, which you don't have to think about.
Anyhow Busy Girls, I promised to get you an article on back health... so I did... it's in our Healthy Living section - I hope you like it click here to view . I hope it helps you - it certainly made me think and to be fair, I do feel a lot better now.
Right, Busy Girls, me and my slightly wonky nose, probably too-long toes and definitely too-small chest is off to bed, safe in the knowledge that the scalpel won't be coming near me when I lie down tonight! Hope you have a lovely evening and if you do have anything to say (perhaps you're a pro-surgery kinda girl, who can change my mind) do let me know.... click here
Good night Girls!
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Busy BBC comes to Manchester
How are you? It's a bit late in the day, but I thought I'd share some Busy goings on in Manchester today.
It's not something I'd usually go to, but I popped on down to The Pie Factory in Salford this evening. No Busy Girls, I've not got a sudden penchant for a steak and kidney - The Pie Factory is the name of the media centre where the BBC have been doing some of their filming from, in the wake of their move ooop North. I was invited there with a few Manchester media peeps to hear the formal news that the BBC have finally signed their agreement to come up and live in Salford, in 2011.
For those of you Busy Girls who have been a little too busy to listen to the news for the last, well, 3 years, the BBC are moving lock stock n barrel to Salford once their premises (Media City) are completed by 2011. It's going to have a massive impact on Manchester and Salford in terms of investment and I reckon will put the place firmly on the map - a massive, massive thing for Manchester (and it looks like it's going to be really fabulous - like a little city in a city).
So, I'm stood at this event, listening to the Director General of the BBC talking about the economic status, blah blah & all I could think was "I wonder what the Londoners are going to make of Manchester?"...
Not being a native of the Northern Quarter of the UK - i.e. being more of a Suvvener, I reckon it's going to be a bit of a shock to the system for the BBC. I mean, when I moved here, I couldn't actually get over the place - well, I'm still not over it I guess.
The biggest thing for me, and one of the reasons I could never go back to London, is Manchester is so much more accessible -you can actually drive to your friends' houses, rather than having to sit on a tube for 2 hours to go 3 miles.
In a way, it's much easier to be Busy and Happy in Manchester than it is in London. If I were to stand in front of the BBC and give them a little pep talk about their move, I think I'd gently tell them that nowhere else can you get to the sea in an hour, choose from a range of major airports, go to the beautiful Lakes within a couple of hours, shop and eat and be entertained by such fantastic quality and diverse restaurants (that you don't need to book weeks in advance for) oh, and drive home 20 miles within half an hour... do you think the BBC would buy it?
For some it will be too slow and too suburban. But hey ho, if everyone liked the same thing, we'd all be living in the same house, on the same road in the same city... dinner would be interesting in that house!
Anyway, that's it, Busy Girls, I've had enough for one night, it's off for a white tea with blackcurrant for me (I'd rather have a glass of wine but I'm trying to be good :( )
See you soon,
Love Eva x
PS. Promise I'll get that neck ache article to you soon - I think my massage is wearing off, the old back's playing up again...
Monday, 11 June 2007
massages, climbing & dairy free - what's going on?
It's been a lovely week to be fair. Apart from my massage. Oh dear Lord. I'm sorry, but I thought that massages were supposed to be relaxing? You know, therapeutic, gentle and calming... not this one. Not, that it was the fault of the masseur, in fact I can't fault her - she was absolutely fantastic. No, you see the thing is - my back and neck is in a terrible state. So, when she got hold of me and started to pummel, well I felt sick. But, I know she was doing me some good - she said that I needed a few sessions to sort my back out.
I'm not one for gentle massages anyway to be fair, and I prefer to know that I'm actually getting somewhere with these things, so if you need to be de-knotted, have a chat with Emma at Natural Practices, based in Wilmslow - she definitely knows what she's doing!
The only reason my neck is in such a bad way is because of how I sit at work. I know I do this - I really slump in my chair - sort of humped back style (nice). I don't realise I'm doing it until I can feel a pain running down my neck. Do you ever get that or is it just me? I actually thought I'd seek the help of our resident back & neck health expert Fran this week to see what I could do about it. Fran is working on some advice for us as we speak - I'll post the info as soon as she's done.
Anyway, I decided to do some exercise to see if it limbered me up a bit. After a good session on the rock climbing wall on Sunday, with my mate (Busy Girl About Town) Sam, I felt quite a bit better (although today my biceps feel like they're been pummelled by Tyson in a fit of rage).
Anyway, other than that, today has got off to a good start. I feel a little fitter and a little healthier. I decided to try to cut dairy last week - erm... nearly impossible! Until I realised that dairy means cows only - and that you can eat goats milk, goats & sheeps cheese, goats yoghurt, goats butter, soya milk and Alpro (am going to turn into goat soon).
I know! Sorry for being dim, but I hadn't put two and two togetherand realised I was just avoiding the cow thing. The reason for this ration is that I tend to get a bit sniffy (like every day, even when there's no cold in sight) so apparently cutting dairy can reduce mucus (hate that word) in your system - worth a go, surely?
Right, I'm off cause I'm going on a bit now. Hope you have a fantabulous week and enjoy your busy bulletins which are going out this week. Have a good one and if you want to send me a message, please comment!
Lots of love
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Sun's out - Busy's off...
Hot is not the word - this is totally amazing for a Manchester summer. Ok, so it's not consistent but by God is it good when the sun's out like this.
Only probelm is, I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything when the weather's like this, just sit & fry. According to GMTV we should stay indoors between 11am and 3pm, when the sun's the strongest - are you having a laugh?
So, the Busy Girls antics have been halted for an afternoon - doesn't stop the bits of guilt from edging in - although I'm much less harsh to myself now I've learnt to handle my guilt a bit more!
Hope you Busy Girls are having a wonderful time in the sun. If it's not out where you are, then why not have a quite peek around The Busy Girls Guide and see if you can find some solace from our Expert friends' advice.
See you tomorrow for the blog of the week... better get some energy to my fingers at least!
Lots of love
Eva x
Busy Blogger
The Busy Girls Guide
Friday, 8 June 2007
I'm Eva and I'm writing a blog on behalf of The Busy Girls Guide - have a look, see what you think... I live in Manchester (UK) with himself (my ever patient boyf) and the dog. We have a relatively ridiculous life, in the sense that we never stop (both of us) running around like headless chickens - we're sooo busy.
So, I guess in that sense I'm definitely qualified to be a busy girl blogger. And I like writing (well, I love talking and writing's just another way of getting my word quota out there!) and I love speaking my mind and I also feel that blogging is a bit like therapy really - isn't it? Like, you write and get it all out of your head and then things somehow feel less stressful. Maybe that's just me.
For those of you who have read my blog before on The Busy Girls Guide you may be wondering whether the group hypnotherapy I had is still working... To find out, I kind of have to think about it, 'have I been calmer? more confident? how do I feel today?' Yes, I guess that it is still working. Quite amazing really. Even my mum has decided that she wants to go now, as she thinks there's been a good change in me (for those of you that didn't read about it - I went for group hypnotherapy - my account of it's here My Busy Blog.
Anyway, last night I was doing my usual soul-searching, at about 10.30pm when I should have been thinking of sleep, not my Youniverse! I was beating myself up a bit about an old friend of mine whose wedding I didn't go to a year ago. Basically, she was a really good friend from school and one of the first to get married of a big group of us. She sent me the invitation and I was delighted to have been invited along, but then a couple of days before, I felt really tired. You know when you can't wait for the weekend to come round and you're just really looking forward to doing nothing for a couple of days.
So, I was really looking forward to a two day break at home when I suddenly realised that I had a wedding to go to, like 400 miles away, by car. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that I didn't want to go. Anyway, long story short, I didn't go. I called and apologied, but I felt really relieved, which is bad isn't it?
The reason I'm telling you this, is because I think us girls are really bad at storing guilt. We seem to be able to hold onto the guilt from things that we did or didn't do in the past for ages. Like an ex-boyfriend whose heart I know I broke. I still feel really awful sometimes now, even though I have no feelings for him, and know that I did the right thing not being with him. Maybe it's because I know what it's like to have a broken heart, and the Guilt (there it is again) at having done it myself has remained.
Anyway, I feel I need to do something about this guilt thing - maybe it's something you can sort yourself, well, it definitely is, but I asked the experts at The Busy Girls Guide to help me out. See what they advised me to do here.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy your weekend - next week - did I rid my guilt?
Lots of love
Eva xxx
PS_ I'm blogging here and on the guide now, but they're the same from now on, so take your pick Busy Girls...