Busy Girls Blog, Manchester & Cheshire Headline Animator

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Is it impossible to be Busy in the rain?

Dear Busy Girls...

This article from our site is quite cool, so I thought I'd share it with you... I'm so totally the same as this, it's funny!

excerpt from www.busygirlsguide.co.uk

As a very Busy Girl, I have firm evidence that my mood has been affected by this crazy weather - but more importantly for me, it really impacts on how effective I am. I've been thinking about it for a few weeks now (since it's been that long raining!) so I thought I'd do a little research into just how the weather effects a Busy Girls Lifestyle... here's my day in the life of a Busy Girl in the rain...

I can't get up!

It all starts with the morning alarm... it's like winter at the moment, cold & chilly, so when the alarm goes off I have to give it at least an extra half an hour before I can crawl out of bed!

Total Time Lost - 30minutes of snoozing

Brrr... bath please!

It must be the first ever summer that I've been tempted into having a bath! When it's chilly & miserable there's nothing more comforting - but it takes way longer than the shower.

Total Time Lost - 15minutes of soaking

What to wear!?

Next I'm totally scuppered for something to wear - I want to wear a polo-neck & tights, but I've put my winter stuff in the attic. So, it's on with the white pants, then off again, on with a t-shirt, then I'm cold, so I'm back to a long sleeved top. All the faffing around & I've changed 4 times before I'm done & I'm still cold.

Total Time Lost - 25 minutes of faffing

Is that hair, or frizz?

So, I'm done up & ready to go, I step out of the front door (quite a bit later than hoped) & puff! There goes the hair - from sleek to shit-zu in 5 minutes flat. I'm like a puff ball of cotton wool - I think of how long it took me to straighten it... what a waste.

Total Time Lost - 15 minutes of straightening

Pie or Salad?

Lunch time gets even more time consuming as I face the dinner queue - I should have a salad - it's healthy & it's July afterall. But no, I want a pie & chips, no, I want baked potatoes, I just want stodge! I want to feel comforted by hot nosh. Miserably I reach for the salad, feeling very unfulfilled.

Total Time Lost - 10 minutes of culinary contemplation

I'll just wait for the shower to pass...I'm sat in the car, wearing sandals & a white skirt, meanwhile the heavens have opened & everyone I can see through the blurry windscreen is getting totally & utterly soaked. I'm not going anywhere without an umbrella (I defiantly have my sunglasses on my head but I've left my umbrella at home again!) I'm sitting here til it passes - work can wait.

Total Time Lost - 15 minutes of waiting

Fed up & want to watch rubbish

Normally on a lovely summer's evening, I joyfully breeze into the kitchen, create a culinary masterpiece & float into the garden to enjoy a glass of Sancerre on my oak lounger (ok, I get home, make tea & half-lie in the back yard on a wonky deckchair). But no, not today. Today, in this weather, I'm like Julie Andrews without the spoonful of sugar or the fixed grin. I'm a miserable, wet-toe'd version of my normal 'lighter than life' self.

I stomp into the kitchen, wet through from the 10yard stumble from the car to the front door. I'm trying to carry all 9 bags from Tesco (as I don't want to make two trips). I fall over the dog, who is also wet through, and land in the kitchen - which by the way has a pleasant musty smell from not having the windows open enough.

I rummage through the bags to find crisps or something equally fattening & mood-enhancing & wander into the lounge to flick on the TV. Before I know it, I've been slouching in front of some mind-numbing programme - for 2 hours, feeling cosy & warm at last.

Total Time Lost - 2 hours of slouching

Now, melodramatic I may be (I'm a Busy Girl & melodrama is compulsory when life is this hectic) but I reckon on an average day I lose about 3 hours, 50 minutes of efficiency a day... & I actually like being efficient & busy.

So, how's that for the weather affecting the Nation?

Let me know what you think, Busy Girls!

Eva x

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