Busy Girls Blog, Manchester & Cheshire Headline Animator

Thursday, 27 September 2007

saying no...

Don't know about you Busy Girl, but I have a real issue saying "no". It's not just me, my more conscientious friends are the same - whenever someone asks us for a favour, we automatically say 'ok, yeah, I'll help you'.

I always seem to say yes to a seemingly simple task and then find out what I've really let myself in for when it's too late to back out. The favour usually becomes something I don't really have the time to do - like ferrying boxes backwards and forwards or waiting for hours for a delivery. I end up frantically rushing to get all my stuff done too - or it gets forgotten in the haste.

I'm going to make it my quest today to say 'no' to something that I'm asked for.

Can you imagine - the next time my boss asks me something I'll be like 'No!' - ok, maybe I'd better figure out my boundaries.

Why don't you try it too? Together we will become liberated Busy Girl (or sacked)...

Eva xx

The Busy Girls Guide Manchester & Cheshire

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