Busy Girls Blog, Manchester & Cheshire Headline Animator

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Have all the spammers gone on their hols?

Ha ha... just realised something. It's been really quiet the last few weeks, with my email. I've not really had the floods of stuff I usually have.

I've just realised what it is, the spammers must be on their hols, because I've not had anything about increasing the size of my you-know-what for a few weeks now.

Oh right, funny. I just got one then - typical isn't it?

Do you know how much time is wasted checking spam filters, deleting the ones that got through & generally wasting time on the ones which you read because they make you laugh!? To be fair, they must have a wicked sense of humour...

On go on, come back off your hols 'bigger-bits' people, you make me laugh... what a bunch of expletives.

Rant over... have a good one Busy Girls

Love Eva x

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