What is going on?!?! I'm not being funny, but if someone's got the direct dial for God, or whoever is controlling the weather at the moment - please can I have it? I'm sat here, sniffing like a 5 year old (I know, I need to take my tablets, but I keep forgetting) and I'm wearing a scarf, black boots and a cardi and I'm cold!
I'm having a moan and I'm not bothered. I know that's a bit miserable of me Busy Girls, but for goodness sake. Where's the weather? It's the second of July!!!
It's been a lovely weekend hasn't it? In the puddles, the storms, the grey clouds and the misery, totally and utterly blooming glorious.
Right, enough of my moaning - how are you guys? I hope you're managing to keep a smiley face? I've been going to loads of events this past week, but all, predictably, have been indoors, when they were supposed to be outdoors. They were really good though. The only issue I had was (as it usually is to be honest) what to wear?!? I've literally been thinking 'long dress, black? too wintery. Short dress? White legs. Cocktail dress? Body too pale. Backless dress? Too cold'. It's a nice worry to have I guess, I could be sat at home wondering whether to eat cauliflower cheese or a frozen lasagne, but you know what it's like. You just want to look lovely, and not like a white, snivvling 12 year old in her mum's too-bold wintery ballgown. Or of course, the dreadful faux-pas... mutton.
I tend to go a bit that way when I try to do my eye makeup... I start off ok and then I think "oh, just a bit more black around the eyes" the next minute, I look like a cross between one of Ricky Hatton's conquests and Lilo Lil from Bread (now I sound old, if you don't know who I mean, think Liz McDonald from Corrie). Then I try to scrape some off and end up with smears across my face and pale bits where I've smudged by blusher off. So, I've decided less is definitely more... I'm trying to take it easy on the makeup before the event and keep it safe.
Anyway, Busy Girls, I'd better go and do some sniffing and busying, it's going to be another busy one today... do let me know how you're all getting on - if you don't want your comments publishing you can opt out and simply send me a hello!
Speak soon my lovelies,
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