Dear Busy Girls
You've got me today, Lucy, as poor Eva is feeling a little under-the-weather - there's something going round, isn't there? She'll be back by next week, bless her...
As it's the 'talk of the town' I thought I'd report back on Fashion Weekend Manchester, which kicked off last night with their VIP launch and fashion shows.

Arrived at Urbis, the home of Fashion Weekend Manchester with Nikki, I felt slightly over dressed as going to The MEN Property Awards afterwards but I didn't need to worry - talk about make an effort! Everyone was dressed to impress - like really dressed up -I've never seen Manchester so turned out!
After a welcome glass of pink champagne, we were escorted into the main shopping area - rows and rows of clothes at half price to 70% off! We were in our element for about 20 minutes, picking up some fab buys at really great prices.
The best bits we found were - Blush B-Lush Bags, Funky Ben De Lisi pieces starting from £40.00, D&G signature coats at £120.00, a bit of Vivienne Westwood (including some fab biker boots), loads of Van Der Lande, Gharani Strok (yes, we nearly died), fun Manchester brand Me & Yu and loads more.
Spotted Sara Cox picking up a few bargains - mostly a-line t-shirt dresses - lovely lady that she is... 

Dashed upstairs in the funky Urbis lift, with Sarah Dunne from Hollyoaks and the cute little thing who plays 'Nancy', and a couple of the Emmerdale girls to find our place at the catwalk show.
There was a split rumour about who styled the show - some said it was the lovely Karen Jones Russell, some Rose (ex. Vivienne Westwood). Either way, it was a lovely show, with Boss Models strutting their stuff... it was actually VERY wearable, and not at all 'couture crazy' which surprised us.
There also seems to be a lean towards quite androgenous models - no 'girly gorgeousness' to be seen...

So, all in all - the show was packed full of wearable AW07/08 gorgeousness, floors 2 and 3 are packed full of clothes, bags, shoes and accessories that, quite frankly, you need your credit card ready for (there's no way you'll be able to resist buying something!)... it's worth a look definitely.
We went on the first night, and within half an hour, it was packed - we were saying that Saturday will be manic, so get your flat boots on, and prepare for a bit of mayhem - rails may be flying by lunchtime, so try to get there ontime...
email us experts@busygirlsguide.co.uk for the timetable for the rest of the weekend... have fun Busy Girls and let us know if you have any questions - we're always here to help!
Love Lucy x www.busygirlsguide.co.uk - The expert lifestyle guide for Busy Girls - Manchester & Cheshire