Busy Girls Blog, Manchester & Cheshire Headline Animator

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Call centre fury

It's been a while Busy Girls, I've been, well, Busier than you could imagine.

I wondered when I'd ever have the time to blog again - in fact I've been thinking about it for a few days now, but coulnd't do it.

Something has just forced me to write...

Did you watch the channel 4 programme on call centres the other night about companies who have employed 'super centre representatives' skilled in handling the most difficult customers...?

Obviously BT missed it.

I'm on the phone as I write, simply trying to pay my BT phone bill.

I've been listening to a recorded voice giving me hundreds of useless options, for 15 whole minutes.

I just want to pay!!!

By the time the customer service girl gets on the phone, I'll want to shove the payment in ... (you get the picture).

British Telecommunications - is that an oxymoron?

I'm back

Eva xxx

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