21st June 2007
I'm sorry to start another blog like this but... oh, my God.
I've not really been watching TV for a few weeks because I've been so busy, but tonight I thought I'd sit down, relax and watch some mind-numbing TV.
I have Never seen anything quite like what's on the TV right now. 'Hollywood Lives: Vanity & Vulgarity' is the most unbelievable programme I've ever seen.
Did you see it? The programme was all about Hollywood and the incredible increase in plastic surgery operations taking place in Hollywood. Look, don't get me wrong, I can kind of understand someone wanting to make their chest a little bigger, or maybe make their nose a little less hooked, but this programme was truly incredible. I've just watched someone having their toes shortened, for goodness sake. Not only that, but a guy who was pretty good looking until he spent £260,000.00 on makign himself look utterly peculiar - with chest, bicep, cheek, chin, buttock and goodness-knows-what-else implants!!
So, whilst we're here contemplating our next new top, or whether to invest in a new pair of wedge heels this summer, you can be sure that there's a shocking number of people across the pond who are chipping away at their faces wondering whether to get a tummy tuck or a knee lift next week.
I'm telling you now, my mouth feels like the inside of a fur boot, because I've been sat here with my mouth wide open, gawping at the TV for the last half an hour. Having said that, it was incredibly entertaining, in a bit of a sick car-crash interest kind of way.
What is it about the coined 'car-crash TV' that makes us want to watch things like that? I'm so busy most of the week that I don't get a chance to sit and watch TV, really, so I guess when I do I just want something a bit mind-numbing, which you don't have to think about.
Anyhow Busy Girls, I promised to get you an article on back health... so I did... it's in our Healthy Living section - I hope you like it click here to view . I hope it helps you - it certainly made me think and to be fair, I do feel a lot better now.
Right, Busy Girls, me and my slightly wonky nose, probably too-long toes and definitely too-small chest is off to bed, safe in the knowledge that the scalpel won't be coming near me when I lie down tonight! Hope you have a lovely evening and if you do have anything to say (perhaps you're a pro-surgery kinda girl, who can change my mind) do let me know.... click here
Good night Girls!
Friday, 22 June 2007
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Busy BBC comes to Manchester
Hey Busy Girls...
How are you? It's a bit late in the day, but I thought I'd share some Busy goings on in Manchester today.
It's not something I'd usually go to, but I popped on down to The Pie Factory in Salford this evening. No Busy Girls, I've not got a sudden penchant for a steak and kidney - The Pie Factory is the name of the media centre where the BBC have been doing some of their filming from, in the wake of their move ooop North. I was invited there with a few Manchester media peeps to hear the formal news that the BBC have finally signed their agreement to come up and live in Salford, in 2011.
For those of you Busy Girls who have been a little too busy to listen to the news for the last, well, 3 years, the BBC are moving lock stock n barrel to Salford once their premises (Media City) are completed by 2011. It's going to have a massive impact on Manchester and Salford in terms of investment and I reckon will put the place firmly on the map - a massive, massive thing for Manchester (and it looks like it's going to be really fabulous - like a little city in a city).
So, I'm stood at this event, listening to the Director General of the BBC talking about the economic status, blah blah & all I could think was "I wonder what the Londoners are going to make of Manchester?"...
Not being a native of the Northern Quarter of the UK - i.e. being more of a Suvvener, I reckon it's going to be a bit of a shock to the system for the BBC. I mean, when I moved here, I couldn't actually get over the place - well, I'm still not over it I guess.
The biggest thing for me, and one of the reasons I could never go back to London, is Manchester is so much more accessible -you can actually drive to your friends' houses, rather than having to sit on a tube for 2 hours to go 3 miles.
In a way, it's much easier to be Busy and Happy in Manchester than it is in London. If I were to stand in front of the BBC and give them a little pep talk about their move, I think I'd gently tell them that nowhere else can you get to the sea in an hour, choose from a range of major airports, go to the beautiful Lakes within a couple of hours, shop and eat and be entertained by such fantastic quality and diverse restaurants (that you don't need to book weeks in advance for) oh, and drive home 20 miles within half an hour... do you think the BBC would buy it?
For some it will be too slow and too suburban. But hey ho, if everyone liked the same thing, we'd all be living in the same house, on the same road in the same city... dinner would be interesting in that house!
Anyway, that's it, Busy Girls, I've had enough for one night, it's off for a white tea with blackcurrant for me (I'd rather have a glass of wine but I'm trying to be good :( )
See you soon,
Love Eva x
PS. Promise I'll get that neck ache article to you soon - I think my massage is wearing off, the old back's playing up again...
How are you? It's a bit late in the day, but I thought I'd share some Busy goings on in Manchester today.
It's not something I'd usually go to, but I popped on down to The Pie Factory in Salford this evening. No Busy Girls, I've not got a sudden penchant for a steak and kidney - The Pie Factory is the name of the media centre where the BBC have been doing some of their filming from, in the wake of their move ooop North. I was invited there with a few Manchester media peeps to hear the formal news that the BBC have finally signed their agreement to come up and live in Salford, in 2011.
For those of you Busy Girls who have been a little too busy to listen to the news for the last, well, 3 years, the BBC are moving lock stock n barrel to Salford once their premises (Media City) are completed by 2011. It's going to have a massive impact on Manchester and Salford in terms of investment and I reckon will put the place firmly on the map - a massive, massive thing for Manchester (and it looks like it's going to be really fabulous - like a little city in a city).
So, I'm stood at this event, listening to the Director General of the BBC talking about the economic status, blah blah & all I could think was "I wonder what the Londoners are going to make of Manchester?"...
Not being a native of the Northern Quarter of the UK - i.e. being more of a Suvvener, I reckon it's going to be a bit of a shock to the system for the BBC. I mean, when I moved here, I couldn't actually get over the place - well, I'm still not over it I guess.
The biggest thing for me, and one of the reasons I could never go back to London, is Manchester is so much more accessible -you can actually drive to your friends' houses, rather than having to sit on a tube for 2 hours to go 3 miles.
In a way, it's much easier to be Busy and Happy in Manchester than it is in London. If I were to stand in front of the BBC and give them a little pep talk about their move, I think I'd gently tell them that nowhere else can you get to the sea in an hour, choose from a range of major airports, go to the beautiful Lakes within a couple of hours, shop and eat and be entertained by such fantastic quality and diverse restaurants (that you don't need to book weeks in advance for) oh, and drive home 20 miles within half an hour... do you think the BBC would buy it?
For some it will be too slow and too suburban. But hey ho, if everyone liked the same thing, we'd all be living in the same house, on the same road in the same city... dinner would be interesting in that house!
Anyway, that's it, Busy Girls, I've had enough for one night, it's off for a white tea with blackcurrant for me (I'd rather have a glass of wine but I'm trying to be good :( )
See you soon,
Love Eva x
PS. Promise I'll get that neck ache article to you soon - I think my massage is wearing off, the old back's playing up again...
Monday, 11 June 2007
massages, climbing & dairy free - what's going on?
Hello my Busy Friends. Well, it's been a hot one again this weekend and so I'm finally beginning to look a little more human (i.e. less like a Smurf, and more off white than pale as a pasty).
It's been a lovely week to be fair. Apart from my massage. Oh dear Lord. I'm sorry, but I thought that massages were supposed to be relaxing? You know, therapeutic, gentle and calming... not this one. Not, that it was the fault of the masseur, in fact I can't fault her - she was absolutely fantastic. No, you see the thing is - my back and neck is in a terrible state. So, when she got hold of me and started to pummel, well I felt sick. But, I know she was doing me some good - she said that I needed a few sessions to sort my back out.
I'm not one for gentle massages anyway to be fair, and I prefer to know that I'm actually getting somewhere with these things, so if you need to be de-knotted, have a chat with Emma at Natural Practices, based in Wilmslow - she definitely knows what she's doing!
The only reason my neck is in such a bad way is because of how I sit at work. I know I do this - I really slump in my chair - sort of humped back style (nice). I don't realise I'm doing it until I can feel a pain running down my neck. Do you ever get that or is it just me? I actually thought I'd seek the help of our resident back & neck health expert Fran this week to see what I could do about it. Fran is working on some advice for us as we speak - I'll post the info as soon as she's done.
Anyway, I decided to do some exercise to see if it limbered me up a bit. After a good session on the rock climbing wall on Sunday, with my mate (Busy Girl About Town) Sam, I felt quite a bit better (although today my biceps feel like they're been pummelled by Tyson in a fit of rage).
Anyway, other than that, today has got off to a good start. I feel a little fitter and a little healthier. I decided to try to cut dairy last week - erm... nearly impossible! Until I realised that dairy means cows only - and that you can eat goats milk, goats & sheeps cheese, goats yoghurt, goats butter, soya milk and Alpro (am going to turn into goat soon).
I know! Sorry for being dim, but I hadn't put two and two togetherand realised I was just avoiding the cow thing. The reason for this ration is that I tend to get a bit sniffy (like every day, even when there's no cold in sight) so apparently cutting dairy can reduce mucus (hate that word) in your system - worth a go, surely?
Right, I'm off cause I'm going on a bit now. Hope you have a fantabulous week and enjoy your busy bulletins which are going out this week. Have a good one and if you want to send me a message, please comment!
Lots of love
It's been a lovely week to be fair. Apart from my massage. Oh dear Lord. I'm sorry, but I thought that massages were supposed to be relaxing? You know, therapeutic, gentle and calming... not this one. Not, that it was the fault of the masseur, in fact I can't fault her - she was absolutely fantastic. No, you see the thing is - my back and neck is in a terrible state. So, when she got hold of me and started to pummel, well I felt sick. But, I know she was doing me some good - she said that I needed a few sessions to sort my back out.
I'm not one for gentle massages anyway to be fair, and I prefer to know that I'm actually getting somewhere with these things, so if you need to be de-knotted, have a chat with Emma at Natural Practices, based in Wilmslow - she definitely knows what she's doing!
The only reason my neck is in such a bad way is because of how I sit at work. I know I do this - I really slump in my chair - sort of humped back style (nice). I don't realise I'm doing it until I can feel a pain running down my neck. Do you ever get that or is it just me? I actually thought I'd seek the help of our resident back & neck health expert Fran this week to see what I could do about it. Fran is working on some advice for us as we speak - I'll post the info as soon as she's done.
Anyway, I decided to do some exercise to see if it limbered me up a bit. After a good session on the rock climbing wall on Sunday, with my mate (Busy Girl About Town) Sam, I felt quite a bit better (although today my biceps feel like they're been pummelled by Tyson in a fit of rage).
Anyway, other than that, today has got off to a good start. I feel a little fitter and a little healthier. I decided to try to cut dairy last week - erm... nearly impossible! Until I realised that dairy means cows only - and that you can eat goats milk, goats & sheeps cheese, goats yoghurt, goats butter, soya milk and Alpro (am going to turn into goat soon).
I know! Sorry for being dim, but I hadn't put two and two togetherand realised I was just avoiding the cow thing. The reason for this ration is that I tend to get a bit sniffy (like every day, even when there's no cold in sight) so apparently cutting dairy can reduce mucus (hate that word) in your system - worth a go, surely?
Right, I'm off cause I'm going on a bit now. Hope you have a fantabulous week and enjoy your busy bulletins which are going out this week. Have a good one and if you want to send me a message, please comment!
Lots of love
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Sun's out - Busy's off...
Hot is not the word - this is totally amazing for a Manchester summer. Ok, so it's not consistent but by God is it good when the sun's out like this.
Only probelm is, I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything when the weather's like this, just sit & fry. According to GMTV we should stay indoors between 11am and 3pm, when the sun's the strongest - are you having a laugh?
So, the Busy Girls antics have been halted for an afternoon - doesn't stop the bits of guilt from edging in - although I'm much less harsh to myself now I've learnt to handle my guilt a bit more!
Hope you Busy Girls are having a wonderful time in the sun. If it's not out where you are, then why not have a quite peek around The Busy Girls Guide and see if you can find some solace from our Expert friends' advice.
See you tomorrow for the blog of the week... better get some energy to my fingers at least!
Lots of love
Eva x
Busy Blogger
The Busy Girls Guide
Hot is not the word - this is totally amazing for a Manchester summer. Ok, so it's not consistent but by God is it good when the sun's out like this.
Only probelm is, I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything when the weather's like this, just sit & fry. According to GMTV we should stay indoors between 11am and 3pm, when the sun's the strongest - are you having a laugh?
So, the Busy Girls antics have been halted for an afternoon - doesn't stop the bits of guilt from edging in - although I'm much less harsh to myself now I've learnt to handle my guilt a bit more!
Hope you Busy Girls are having a wonderful time in the sun. If it's not out where you are, then why not have a quite peek around The Busy Girls Guide and see if you can find some solace from our Expert friends' advice.
See you tomorrow for the blog of the week... better get some energy to my fingers at least!
Lots of love
Eva x
Busy Blogger
The Busy Girls Guide
Friday, 8 June 2007
I'm Eva and I'm writing a blog on behalf of The Busy Girls Guide - have a look, see what you think... I live in Manchester (UK) with himself (my ever patient boyf) and the dog. We have a relatively ridiculous life, in the sense that we never stop (both of us) running around like headless chickens - we're sooo busy.
So, I guess in that sense I'm definitely qualified to be a busy girl blogger. And I like writing (well, I love talking and writing's just another way of getting my word quota out there!) and I love speaking my mind and I also feel that blogging is a bit like therapy really - isn't it? Like, you write and get it all out of your head and then things somehow feel less stressful. Maybe that's just me.
For those of you who have read my blog before on The Busy Girls Guide you may be wondering whether the group hypnotherapy I had is still working... To find out, I kind of have to think about it, 'have I been calmer? more confident? how do I feel today?' Yes, I guess that it is still working. Quite amazing really. Even my mum has decided that she wants to go now, as she thinks there's been a good change in me (for those of you that didn't read about it - I went for group hypnotherapy - my account of it's here My Busy Blog.
Anyway, last night I was doing my usual soul-searching, at about 10.30pm when I should have been thinking of sleep, not my Youniverse! I was beating myself up a bit about an old friend of mine whose wedding I didn't go to a year ago. Basically, she was a really good friend from school and one of the first to get married of a big group of us. She sent me the invitation and I was delighted to have been invited along, but then a couple of days before, I felt really tired. You know when you can't wait for the weekend to come round and you're just really looking forward to doing nothing for a couple of days.
So, I was really looking forward to a two day break at home when I suddenly realised that I had a wedding to go to, like 400 miles away, by car. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that I didn't want to go. Anyway, long story short, I didn't go. I called and apologied, but I felt really relieved, which is bad isn't it?
The reason I'm telling you this, is because I think us girls are really bad at storing guilt. We seem to be able to hold onto the guilt from things that we did or didn't do in the past for ages. Like an ex-boyfriend whose heart I know I broke. I still feel really awful sometimes now, even though I have no feelings for him, and know that I did the right thing not being with him. Maybe it's because I know what it's like to have a broken heart, and the Guilt (there it is again) at having done it myself has remained.
Anyway, I feel I need to do something about this guilt thing - maybe it's something you can sort yourself, well, it definitely is, but I asked the experts at The Busy Girls Guide to help me out. See what they advised me to do here.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy your weekend - next week - did I rid my guilt?
Lots of love
Eva xxx
PS_ I'm blogging here and on the guide now, but they're the same from now on, so take your pick Busy Girls...
I'm Eva and I'm writing a blog on behalf of The Busy Girls Guide - have a look, see what you think... I live in Manchester (UK) with himself (my ever patient boyf) and the dog. We have a relatively ridiculous life, in the sense that we never stop (both of us) running around like headless chickens - we're sooo busy.
So, I guess in that sense I'm definitely qualified to be a busy girl blogger. And I like writing (well, I love talking and writing's just another way of getting my word quota out there!) and I love speaking my mind and I also feel that blogging is a bit like therapy really - isn't it? Like, you write and get it all out of your head and then things somehow feel less stressful. Maybe that's just me.
For those of you who have read my blog before on The Busy Girls Guide you may be wondering whether the group hypnotherapy I had is still working... To find out, I kind of have to think about it, 'have I been calmer? more confident? how do I feel today?' Yes, I guess that it is still working. Quite amazing really. Even my mum has decided that she wants to go now, as she thinks there's been a good change in me (for those of you that didn't read about it - I went for group hypnotherapy - my account of it's here My Busy Blog.
Anyway, last night I was doing my usual soul-searching, at about 10.30pm when I should have been thinking of sleep, not my Youniverse! I was beating myself up a bit about an old friend of mine whose wedding I didn't go to a year ago. Basically, she was a really good friend from school and one of the first to get married of a big group of us. She sent me the invitation and I was delighted to have been invited along, but then a couple of days before, I felt really tired. You know when you can't wait for the weekend to come round and you're just really looking forward to doing nothing for a couple of days.
So, I was really looking forward to a two day break at home when I suddenly realised that I had a wedding to go to, like 400 miles away, by car. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that I didn't want to go. Anyway, long story short, I didn't go. I called and apologied, but I felt really relieved, which is bad isn't it?
The reason I'm telling you this, is because I think us girls are really bad at storing guilt. We seem to be able to hold onto the guilt from things that we did or didn't do in the past for ages. Like an ex-boyfriend whose heart I know I broke. I still feel really awful sometimes now, even though I have no feelings for him, and know that I did the right thing not being with him. Maybe it's because I know what it's like to have a broken heart, and the Guilt (there it is again) at having done it myself has remained.
Anyway, I feel I need to do something about this guilt thing - maybe it's something you can sort yourself, well, it definitely is, but I asked the experts at The Busy Girls Guide to help me out. See what they advised me to do here.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy your weekend - next week - did I rid my guilt?
Lots of love
Eva xxx
PS_ I'm blogging here and on the guide now, but they're the same from now on, so take your pick Busy Girls...
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